Hong Kong Customs commends sea cargo carriers (with photo)

     The Customs and Excise Department (C&ED) today (December 1) held the Award Presentation Ceremony for the Sea Cargo Pre-shipment Declaration Scheme 2022 at the Customs Headquarters Building, and presented award certificates to 44 sea cargo carriers in recognition of their active participation in the scheme and efforts to work with the C&ED to provide efficient and seamless cargo clearance services for the industry.
     Speaking at the ceremony, the Acting Deputy Commissioner of Customs and Excise (Control and Enforcement), Ms Ida Ng, said that Hong Kong is one of the most important hub ports in the world. The C&ED will continue to implement various trade facilitation measures, including the "Trade Single Window", "Single E-Lock Scheme", "Hong Kong Authorized Economic Operator Programme" and "Free Trade Agreement Transhipment Facilitation Scheme", etc to provide the industry with value-added services, such as simplified clearances, reduced inspections, prioritised checking and tariff reductions. These measures will help the industry to explore more business opportunities under the country's development strategies such as the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) and the Belt and Road Initiative.
     Ms Ng also quoted the speech by General Secretary Xi Jinping at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China that the Central Government fully supports Hong Kong to take forward the development of the GBA, reinforcing and enhancing Hong Kong's status in the fields of international finance, trading, maritime and aviation, innovation and technology as well as culture and tourism.
     Since 2009, Customs has been rolling out sea cargo information submission schemes, including the EMAN Statement 1 Submission Scheme and the Advance Cargo Information – River Trade Vessel Scheme. These schemes allow carriers and cargo agents to submit advance cargo information to the department prior to vessels' arrival, enabling the department to conduct risk assessment more effectively and provide efficient and smooth cargo clearance services to the industry.
