Hong Kong Customs clarifies false Internet rumours about prohibiting importation of face masks

     With regard to Internet rumours that the Government has listed face mask products as prohibited articles after taking into account political consideration, a spokesman for Hong Kong Customs today (January 28) clarified that the rumours are unfounded.

     Customs has all along been making use of risk-profiling and intelligence analysis to carry out customs clearance over passenger, cargo, conveyance and postal article at various control points pursuant to relevant legislation to combat the import and export of controlled/prohibited items into and out of Hong Kong.

     Since surgical mask is not included in the lists of controlled/prohibited items, Customs would not hinder importation of such products into Hong Kong legally.

     Full lists of controlled/prohibited items are specified in the relevant legislation. A summary list of such articles is available on the Hong Kong Customs website (www.customs.gov.hk/en/trade_facilitation/prohibited_articles/index.html) for reference by members of the public.