Hong Kong City Hall exhibition “Imagine beyond Imagination” invites people to dream with imagination

     The Hong Kong City Hall 60th Anniversary Commemorative Exhibition "Imagine beyond Imagination" is being held at the Exhibition Hall of Hong Kong City Hall (HKCH) starting today (May 4). Making use of multimedia technology, the exhibition enables visitors to experience the wonder of arts blended with technology. The exhibition not only reviews the key milestones of HKCH and the development of arts and culture in the city, but also encourages members of the public to participate and imagine the ideal place for arts and culture in the future with HKCH, and to dream with imagination in HKCH.
     The exhibition consists of five exhibition zones, with the theme of "imagination" as the main axis connecting them. The exhibition recaptures the appearance of City Hall in the 1960s with the help of multimedia technology and invites visitors to relive the beginning and growth of HKCH and local arts and culture. Being the first civic centre built for the community, HKCH has, since the 1960s, been the hub of Hong Kong people's cultural and social lives. Since the 1980s, performance venues have evolved and developed throughout the territory, integrating into the lives of citizens and shortening the distance between arts and the community. Visitors can revisit the development of the performance venues under the management of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) interactively through the pressure-sensitive design in the exhibition and understand more about the connection between technology and the arts.
     The exhibition has set up three sets of interactive installations, "Mountain & Water", "Beyond Imagination: Create Your Own Avatar" and "Beyond Imagination: You Could Be A Performer", which allows visitors to experience the technology of machine learning and motion tracking, and to enjoy the delights brought by art technology. At the final part of the exhibition, visitors can imagine and build their ideal arts and cultural venues of the future together with HKCH at the self-service terminals. Ideas collected will be regularly projected onto a multimedia art installation located in the middle of the area, so that all visitors are able to see and travel through the future.
     Inaugurated on March 2, 1962, HKCH has provided cultural services for the general public in its High and Low Blocks, housing performing arts venues, a public museum and a public library. Over the past 60 years, HKCH has stood by the people of Hong Kong through thick and thin, and its significance goes far beyond arts and culture. It not only offers a stage for artists to display their talent, but is also an important carrier of the collective memory of the people who live here. Listed as a Grade 1 Historic Building, HKCH was recommended by the Antiquities Advisory Board in March this year to be a declared monument in recognition of its historical interest, social value and significance to the cultural development of Hong Kong. Such a move will enable HKCH to be permanently preserved and soon become the "youngest monument" in the city.      
     The "Imagine beyond Imagination" exhibition will run from now until June 1 at the Exhibition Hall on the first floor of the Low Block of HKCH and admission is free. For details of the exhibition and admission arrangements, please visit the website at www.lcsd.gov.hk/en/hkch/60A/exhibition.html or call 2921 2840 for enquiries.
     In order to comply with the requirements stipulated in the Prevention and Control of Disease (Requirements and Directions) (Business and Premises) Regulation (Cap. 599F) and relevant requirements of administrative instructions, visitors are required to scan the "LeaveHomeSafe" QR code before being allowed to enter the venues managed by the LCSD for necessary contact tracing if a confirmed case is found. In accordance with the Prevention and Control of Disease (Vaccine Pass) Regulation (Cap. 599L) and relevant requirements of administrative instructions, all persons entering indoor venues under the management of the LCSD must comply with the requirement of the Vaccine Pass.