Hong Kong and Guangdong launch Cross-boundary Public Services (with photos/video)

     In his Policy Address this year, the Chief Executive has proposed to advance the development of digital government, and collaborate with Guangdong Province to promote the Cross-boundary Public Services initiative. The Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry, Professor Sun Dong, and Deputy Secretary General of the People's Government of Guangdong Province Mr Xu Dianhui co-chaired the ceremony for promulgation of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Cross-boundary Public Services Co-operation Achievements today (November 2). The ceremony also announced the simultaneous launch of the Cross-boundary Public Services service area/thematic website of Guangdong and Hong Kong, which will enable residents and enterprises in Hong Kong and Mainland cities of the Greater Bay Area to access public services of the two places online anytime without the need for cross-boundary travel in person.

     Professor Sun said, "With the development of digital government and smart cities, Hong Kong and Guangdong have started a new chapter of co-operation in the provision of government services. After more than two years of close co-ordination, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government and the Guangdong Provincial Government have overcome the challenges brought by the epidemic and realised the bilateral connection of public services between the two places. The governments of both places will uphold the spirit of 'facilitating the public and enterprises' and continue to enhance the implementation of the Cross-boundary Public Services initiative, so as to give impetus to the socio-economic development of Hong Kong and Guangdong, and to make new and greater contributions to the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area as well as the building of a digital government platform for the country."

     During the ceremony, Professor Sun and Mr Xu witnessed the signing of the "Co-operation Agreement between Guangdong and the HKSAR on Cross-boundary Public Services" by the Under Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry, Ms Lillian Cheong, and member of the Leading Party Group of the Guangdong Provincial Administration of Government Service and Data Mr Wei Wentao, to deepen the co-operation in government services between the two places.

     Officiating guests at today's ceremony also included the Director-General of the Guangdong Provincial Administration of Government Service and Data, Mr Yang Pengfei; the Director-General of Information Centre of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR, Dr Hao Yinxing; the Government Chief Information Officer, Mr Tony Wong; and the Commissioner for Efficiency, Miss Patricia So.

     With the launch of the first batch of more than 50 Cross-boundary Public Services in each of the two places, Hong Kong residents or Mainland residents living in Hong Kong can use the public services in the nine Mainland cities in the Greater Bay Area, covering areas such as admission of talent, employment and business start-up, elderly services, tax declaration and business operation, etc. The HKSAR Government has also consolidated the public services of nine government bureaux/departments in areas such as taxation, company registration, property and vehicle enquiry and registration, personal identification documents, and application for entry of talents, welfare, education, medical and health services, etc, for use by Mainland residents or Hong Kong residents living in Guangdong. The types of services and related information are listed on the thematic website (crossboundaryservices.gov.hk), which also provides a link to Guangdong's Cross-boundary Public Services service area.

     Apart from setting up dedicated service area/thematic website for Cross-boundary Public Services, the governments of the HKSAR and Guangdong have also introduced other Cross-boundary Public Services facilitation measures, including:

  • Through the connection between iAM Smart and the Unified Identity Authentication Platform of Guangdong Province, Hong Kong residents can log in directly to the Guangdong Provincial Administrative Service website and the "Yue Sheng Shi" mobile app through iAM Smart to enjoy a wide range of Guangdong's public services in a more convenient and efficient manner;


  • Set up iAM Smart registration service counters in Guangzhou and Shenzhen Qianhai to help Hong Kong citizens residing or working on the Mainland to register for iAM Smart;


  • Set up Cross-boundary Public Services kiosks in Hong Kong to facilitate public access to Guangdong's public services.

     Moreover, the HKSAR Government also plans to roll out the Hong Kong Cross-boundary Public Services self-service kiosks in Guangzhou by the first quarter of 2024, and gradually cover the nine Mainland cities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, so as to further enable the public there to access Hong Kong's public services.

     In order to implement the State Council's Guiding Opinions to all provincial governments on Cross-provincial Public Services and their comprehensive deployment, the HKSAR Government accepted the invitation of the People's Government of Guangdong Province in 2021 to jointly launch the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Cross-boundary Public Services, so as to enable enterprises and the public in both regions to enjoy simple and convenient cross-boundary services, with a view to facilitating the provision of public services and investment in the GBA, and enhancing the satisfaction and sense of contentment of enterprises and the public in accessing services across the boundary.

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