Home Office hosts event to promote diversity in public appointments


Yesterday, the Home Secretary and Second Permanent Secretary welcomed leaders from business, charity and grassroots organisations as well as academics and other stakeholders to the Home Office to encourage a more diverse talent pool to apply to public appointments.

Public appointments are, typically, an appointment for a chair or non-executive director of a board of a public body or for a member of an advisory committee.

Appointees offer expert insight and strategic direction to public bodies and committees, such as the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs or Independent Monitoring Boards. In order to ensure that the best candidates are recruited, the Home Secretary and department are working to ensure that the recruitment pool is as wide and as diverse as possible.

Home Secretary Sajid Javid said:

Diversity on boards is essential in making our public services even stronger.

I want to encourage and develop more talent from minority groups and ensure public positions are opened- up to everyone.

If you have the talent and skills, and you want to make a difference, then I would urge you to apply.

Second Permanent Secretary Shona Dunn said:

The Home Office are proud of our diverse workforce. It is really important that we are representative of the society we serve.

It is only right that this extends to every aspect of our work. I would strongly encourage anyone interested to learn more and apply to these vitally important public appointment roles.

To find out more about public appointments, view current vacancies and apply, please visit the Cabinet Office website.

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