Home and Youth Affairs Bureau launches Youth Dashboard

     The Home and Youth Affairs Bureau (HYAB) launched the Youth Dashboard today (December 31), which for the first time consolidated youth-related data and information of the Government to objectively present the main demographic characteristics of Hong Kong youth and an overview of their different aspects, including education, employment, entrepreneurship, housing, marriage and fertility, well-being and social participation. 
     The HYAB released the Youth Development Blueprint late last year, which states that the Dashboard will be launched to consolidate youth-related data and trends to keep better tabs on young people and promote youth development work. The HYAB immediately started the preparatory work for the Dashboard, which includes collecting information separately kept by relevant bureaux and departments and consolidating youth-related data covering many different areas. In order to facilitate navigation by users, the Dashboard includes interactive charts which allow users to flexibly select the information and different data combination to be displayed on the Dashboard.
     The Dashboard has been uploaded to the dedicated website of the Youth Development Blueprint (www.youthblueprint.gov.hk/en/dashboard/index.html). The data and information on the Dashboard will be updated regularly and continuously to reflect the latest youth-related trend and situation.