Home Affairs Department to launch Central Platform on Building Management

     The Central Platform on Building Management will be launched to assist owners in building management and large-scale maintenance projects, the Home Affairs Department (HAD) announced today (September 26).
     Under the Central Platform, the HAD will organise regular briefings for owners on building management and maintenance. At each briefing, representatives from relevant government departments and organisations, including the Buildings Department (BD), the Fire Services Department (FSD), the Hong Kong Police Force, the Independent Commission Against Corruption, the Urban Renewal Authority and the Competition Commission, will provide information and introduce their relevant services and schemes on building management and maintenance. 
     "The main targets of the new initiative are owners, owners' corporations, owners' committees and Mutual Aid Committees of buildings which have received pre-notification letters on the Mandatory Building Inspection Scheme and the Mandatory Window Inspection Scheme, repair orders from the BD, and fire safety directions from the BD and the FSD. We also welcome interested parties who want to know more about building management and maintenance," the HAD spokesman said.
     Taking into account the distribution of the main targets of the Central Platform, the HAD has initially lined up briefings in seven districts, and has written to the relevant owners, owners' corporations, owners' committees and Mutual Aid Committees to promote and encourage them to attend the Central Platform briefings. The first briefing will be held at 7.30pm tomorrow (September 27) at Kennedy Town Community Complex, Kennedy Town. 
     "We hope that these one-stop Central Platform briefings will provide a more convenient way for owners, particularly those who are about to embark on maintenance work, to learn more about the related services and schemes, their application methods and contact information for further enquiries," the HAD spokesman added.
     For details of the briefings, please visit the HAD's dedicated website on building management or contact the District Building Management Liaison Teams of the respective District Offices.