Hollow rhetoric from Tories on mental health – Barbara Keeley


Barbara Keeley MP, Labour’s Shadow Minister for Mental
Health and Social Care,
on the findings of a new report by the Centre for Mental Health and NHS
Benchmarking Network, said:

“It is deeply worrying that community mental health provision has fallen and
the number of psychiatric acute inpatient beds reduced, while the number of
detentions under the Mental Health Act has risen. This puts even greater
pressure on over-stretched acute mental health services.

“The findings of this report show that the Tory pledge to make mental health an
equal priority with physical health is nothing more than hollow rhetoric.

“Under the Tories, mental health services have come under increasing pressure
due to under-funding and staffing shortages. The Government should match
Labour’s pledge to invest more in mental health services and ring-fence mental
health spending to ensure funding reaches the front line.“


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