HM Government

New study into fish passage on Dorset chalk stream

A large lump of concrete in the middle of a dried up watercourse

Press release

The Environment Agency is to fund a new study to improve fish passage on the River Tarrant in Dorset.

One of the obtacles hindering fish passage on the River...Read More »

New £90 million battlefield radio programme to benefit over 200 jobs

Solider using the multi-mode radio

Press release

A £90 million contract to upgrade land-based radio capabilities will improve battlefield effectiveness while supporting over 200 jobs in Hampshire.

  • £90 million contract boost local prosperity...Read More »

Foreign Secretary announces critical practical support for Ukraine as winter sets in

  • The Foreign Secretary has travelled to Ukraine to underline the UK’s unwavering support for the country following devastating Russian attacks on critical national infrastructure
  • During the visit he has announced a further £3m of support to the Partnership Fund for a Resilient Ukraine to rebuild vital local infrastructure
  • Comes as he and...Read More »

DOE, UK hosted second Energy Transition Council National Dialogue

The Department of Energy (DOE) and the British Embassy Manila, in collaboration with the Asian Development Bank, South East Asia Energy Transition Partnership and the United States Agency for International Development, hosted the second Energy Transition Council (ETC) National Dialogue on Tuesday, 22 November 2022.

The Philippines is one of the...Read More »

IOM, UK launch BARMM's Conflict, Climate Change, & Mobility Nexus

The UN Migration Agency, International Organization for Migration (IOM), with support from the Government of the United Kingdom (UK), launched the project “Nexus of Transformative Solutions for Peace and Climate Adaptation”. The project aims to build evidence on the interlinkages between conflict and climate change from a human mobility lens...Read More »

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