HM Government

Reino Unido nomeia nova Embaixadora no Brasil

A partir de novembro, a Embaixada do Reino Unido será liderada por Stephanie Al-Qaq, que sucede a Peter Wilson como Embaixadora designada por Sua Majestade, o Rei Charles III, no Brasil. Wilson voltou a Londres em fevereiro para servir como chefe de gabinete do Primeiro-Ministro e agora retorna ao Ministério...Read More »

G7 foreign ministers' statement in Germany, November 2022


We, the G7 Foreign Ministers of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America, and the High Representative of the European Union, underline our strong sense of unity and our unshakable commitment to uphold the rules-based international order and to protect the rights...Read More »

Bradford company director found guilty after failing to attend court again

Press release

On Tuesday 1 November 2022, Bradford Magistrates’ Court found Usman Raees guilty in his absence of failing to provide information to the Security Industry Authority (SIA).

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Change of His Majesty’s Ambassador to Brazil: Stephanie Al-Qaq

Press release

Ms Stephanie Al-Qaq has been appointed His Majesty’s Ambassador to the Federative Republic of Brazil.

Ms Stephanie Al-Qaq has been appointed His Majesty’s Ambassador to the...Read More »

Two offenders receive increased sentences for violent offending

Two offenders who left victims needing hospital treatment have both been given longer prison terms after their cases were heard together at the Court of Appeal following referrals under the Unduly Lenient Sentence scheme.

On 14 November 2021, Zachary Jagger, now 27, got involved in a group altercation after being refused...Read More »

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