HM Government

PM statement at COP27: 7 November 2022

When Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II addressed COP 26 last year,

she reflected how history has shown…

“…that when nations come together in common cause, there is always room for hope.”

I believe we found room for hope in Glasgow.

With one last chance to create a plan that would limit global temperature...Read More »

PM meeting with President Emmanuel Macron: 7 November 2022

Press release

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak met France’s President Emmanuel Macron at COP27.

The Prime Minister met France’s President Emmanuel Macron on the sidelines of COP27 in Egypt...Read More »

PM meeting with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi: 7 November 2022

Press release

The Prime Minister Rishi Sunak met Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi at COP27.

The Prime Minister met Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi at COP27 in Sharm...Read More »

PM meeting with President Isaac Herzog of Israel: 7 November 2022

Press release

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak met President Isaac Herzog of Israel today at COP27.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak met President Isaac Herzog of Israel today at COP27...Read More »

Royal Navy infrastructure protection ship accelerated

Press release

Ship to protect UK’s critical national infrastructure to be delivered months ahead of schedule

The purchase of specialist ships to protect the UK’s critical national infrastructure...Read More »

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