HM Government

Pupils discuss climate change

Wind farm windmills based in the sea.

News story

Climate change risk was the topic of conversation at a recent discussion between GAD actuaries and pupils at a Merseyside school.

Actuaries from the Government Actuary’s...Read More »

Reappointments made to the Marine Management Organisation Board

Press release

Peter Judge MBE and David Lyall have been reappointed to the Board of the Marine Management Organisation

Environment Secretary Thérèse Coffey has confirmed the reappointment of ...Read More »

HM Land Registry arrangements for Royal Mail strikes

News story

The Communication Workers Union has formally notified Royal Mail they plan to call on their members to take national strike action on Thursday 24 and Friday 25 November 2022.

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GAD's work with HM Land Registry

Stacks of files each containing reams of paper.

News story

GAD provided actuarial advice to HM Land Registry as it looks to estimate the cost of fraud and errors. We used claim information to estimate an Indemnity Fund.

News story

GAD has published its Annual Report and Accounts for the 2021 to 2022 financial year. The report sets out the main projects and successes of the year.