HM Government

Fisheries and Seafood Scheme (FaSS) funding panel dates announced for 2023

The Fisheries and Seafood Scheme (FaSS) offers grant funding to support food producers across the catching, processing, and aquaculture sectors in England. Focused on helping projects that will boost business resilience and increase sustainability across our world-class fishing industry, this phase of the scheme offers £18 million of...Read More »

UK minister to strengthen ties across the pacific in first overseas visit

  • Minister for the Indo-Pacific Anne-Marie Trevelyan will visit Vanuatu and Australia this week.
  • She will attend the Conference of the Pacific Community to boost diplomatic links with the region.
  • Minister will then travel to Australia for talks on trade and security.

Underlining the UK’s commitment to deepening ties with the Pacific Islands, Minister...Read More »

Consultation launched to protect patients from silent pandemic of antimicrobial resistance

  • Recent estimates suggest that AMR causes 1.27 million deaths globally each year and 7,600 deaths in the UK each year

  • Views sought to inform next five-year plan to tackle what has been described as the next potential global pandemic

The increasing risk to patients of superbugs resistant to existing...Read More »

A Yemeni-led truce continues to represent the best opportunity for progress

Thank you President. And let me thank Special Envoy Grundberg and Ms Ghelani for their briefing today.

We are encouraged that most truce measures continue to hold since the lack of extension in October, and we call for an end to the disturbing pattern of terrorist attacks on international shipping from...Read More »

Autumn Finance Bill 2022 published

News story

The Autumn Finance Bill 2022 was published today (22 November 2023), legislating for a key tax changes announced by the Chancellor at last week’s Autumn Statement.