HM Government

Up to £100 million boost to improve HGV roadside facilities

  • lorry drivers to benefit from better roadside facilities, backed by up to £100 million investment from industry and government

  • operators of truck-stops and roadside services can now bid for a portion of £52.5 million in government investment to match-fund improvements to driver facilities

  • investment is part of...Read More »

Government to block failing social housing providers from new housing funding

Rochdale Boroughwide Housing (RBH) will not receive its expected £1m funding from the Affordable Homes Programme (AHP 2021-26) or receive any new AHP contracts for new homes, until the Regulator of Social Housing has concluded its investigation and it can prove it is a responsible landlord. The Government will also continue...Read More »

Russia’s systematic attacks on Ukrainian civilian infrastructure are unacceptable, and must end

Thank you President, and thank you Under-Secretary-General DiCarlo for your briefing. We welcome President Zelenskyy’s participation in this Council meeting today.

President, we discussed the situation in Ukraine last week. The Council’s message at that meeting was clear: Russia’s systematic attacks on Ukrainian civilians and civilian infrastructure are unacceptable, and must...Read More »

Recognising the importance of open, transparent, predictable international trade systems: UK statement at UN Second Committee

Thank you, Madam Chair

We would like to thank Royston Alkins of Guyana for his work facilitating this resolution, and Felipe Costa of Brazil and Dinushi Rupathunga of Sri Lanka for proposing it on behalf of the G77+China.

We reluctantly called a vote on part of this resolution to highlight that we...Read More »

Upholding a universal, holistic approach to international tax cooperation: UK statement at UN Second Committee

Thank you, Madam Chair,

We would like to thank Oche Agbo of Nigeria for his work facilitating this resolution, and Hashim Abubakar of Nigeria for proposing it on behalf of the Africa Group.

In 2015, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda recognised international tax cooperation as a vital component of Financing For Development.

The...Read More »

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