HKSARG firmly opposes EU’s interference in HK’s electoral matters

     The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government today (June 10) firmly opposes the unfounded accusations made by the European Union (EU) to the Decision on Improving the Electoral System of the HKSAR (the Decision) passed by the National People's Congress (NPC) on March 11, 2021. 

     "The Decision is entirely constitutional, legal, reasonable and rational. The Central Authorities take the initiative from the national level to improve the electoral system of the HKSAR, aiming to plug the loopholes in and eliminate the deficiencies of the existing electoral system. Through constructing a democratic system that is consistent with the actual situation of Hong Kong, it fully conforms to the constitutional order under the 'one country, two systems' principle and manifests Hong Kong characteristics that can thereby put Hong Kong back on track and make rectification," a spokesman for the Government said.

     "We firmly oppose the misleading claims by the EU concerning the improvement to the electoral system as well as their ulterior motives. We stress that the improvement to the electoral system of the HKSAR is both timely and necessary, as anti-China forces had created chaos in the Legislative Council, paralysed the operation of the HKSAR Government, and even colluded with external forces to undermine Hong Kong's safety and interests. No country or government could turn a blind eye to such dangers. The Government is committed to ensuring elections being conducted in a fair, just and open manner."

     The spokesman added that it is hypocritical for the EU to attack China by creating issues in the HKSAR using the pretext of human rights, democracy and autonomy.

     "We strongly refute the accusation that 'one country, two systems' is undermined. On the contrary, no one is more committed than the Central People's Government (CPG) to the implementation of 'one country, two systems', which is the best institutional arrangement to ensure Hong Kong's long-term prosperity and stability. President Xi Jinping has stressed that the CPG will unswervingly implement the policy of 'one country, two systems' and ensure that it is fully applied in Hong Kong without being bent or distorted.

      "The legal basis for implementing 'one country, two systems' is the Constitution of the People's Republic of China and the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China (Basic Law), not the Sino-British Joint Declaration. As the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has stressed time and again, the Sino-British Joint Declaration stipulated the resumption of exercise of sovereignty by China over Hong Kong and relevant arrangements during the transition period. The basic policies regarding Hong Kong declared by China in the Joint Declaration were China's statement of policies, not commitment to the United Kingdom or an international obligation as some erroneously claim." 

     Since the implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, stability has been restored to society and national security has been safeguarded in the HKSAR. The spokesman emphasised that the protection of human rights and freedom are all enshrined in the Basic Law. 

     The spokesman also opposes the EU's accusation on the arrest of so-called "pro-democracy activists". Any law enforcement actions taken by Hong Kong law enforcement agencies are based on evidence, strictly according to the law, for the acts of the person concerned, and have nothing to do with his/her political stance, background or occupation. It would be contrary to the rule of law to suggest that people of certain political background could be above the law.

     "The international community should fully acknowledge this fact and stop interfering in Hong Kong affairs which are internal affairs of China."