HKSAR Government will not tolerate any offence of subversion
The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government will not tolerate any offence of subversion. The Police will combat such offence with full efforts in accordance with the law.
The Police took action specifically targeting active players who organised, planned, committed or participated in acts of subversion, and arrested over 50 persons today (January 6) in accordance with the law. These persons are suspected to have violated the offence of subversion under the National Security Law. Through plotting the plans of the so-called "35-plus" and the "10-step mutual destruction scheme", and conducting the so-called "primary election" among themselves, these arrestees are suspected to have conspired to obtain 35 or more seats at the Legislative Council (LegCo) with a view to recklessly and wilfully voting down all the funding applications from the Government to the LegCo and the Budget, forcing the resignation of the Chief Executive, as well as bringing the HKSAR Government to a complete standstill. The whole plan sought to paralyse the Government and seriously interfere in, disrupt and undermine the performance of government duties and functions, and compel the Central People's Government and the HKSAR Government.
Article 22 of the National Security Law has clearly stipulated that a person who organises, plans, commits or participates in acts by any unlawful means with a view to subverting the State power, seriously interfering in, disrupting or undermining the performance of duties and functions in accordance with the law by the body of power of the HKSAR shall be guilty of an offence.
The Secretary for Security, Mr John Lee, said, "The HKSAR Government will not tolerate any offence of subversion. The operation of the National Security Department of the Police today has only targeted active players who are suspected of organising, planning, committing or participating in subversion. These persons were arrested for investigation in accordance with the law. The operation does not involve people who played a passive role or only voted in the so-called 'primary election'. The Security Bureau strongly reaffirms and fully supports the Police's operation, which is resolute and professional."
Mr Lee added, "The '35-plus' plan and the '10-step mutual destruction scheme' involve a vicious plot which seeks to undermine the performance of government duties and functions and paralyse the HKSAR Government in an organised, planned, reckless and wilful manner. The '10-step mutual destruction scheme' proposes that, through massive riots on the streets and other measures, Hong Kong society will come to a standstill, and together with international political and economic sanctions, 'genuine mutual destruction' could be achieved. If this vicious plot succeeds, the society, economy and people's livelihood will be severely hindered and undermined, and Hong Kong will face again a turbulent situation or even unimaginable catastrophe."
Endangering national security is a serious crime. The National Security Law clearly stipulates offences endangering national security. The HKSAR Government will take resolute enforcement action to achieve a deterrent effect.