HKSAR Government strongly disapproves of and opposes to resolution by House of Representatives of US Congress


     The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government today (June 6) strongly disapproved of and opposed to the House of Representatives of the United States (US) Congress for introducing a so-called resolution which smeared and slandered the Hong Kong National Security Law (NSL) and the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance (SNSO) as well as law enforcement actions taken by the HKSAR law enforcement agencies in accordance with the law, and also requested to impose so-called "sanctions" on relevant personnel responsible for the SNSO. 

     A spokesman for the HKSAR Government said, "The proposed imposition of the so-called 'sanctions' by the House of Representatives of the US Congress intended to intimidate officials who resolutely safeguard national security. It attempted to use the name of freedom to disguise its despicable political motives and grossly interfered in Hong Kong affairs which are internal affairs of China, violating the international law and the basic norms governing international relations. The HKSAR will not be intimidated by such a despicable behavior and will continue to resolutely safeguard national security in accordance with the law."

     The spokesman pointed out, "The content regarding the laws relevant to safeguarding national security in the HKSAR contained in the so-called resolution is completely absurd and untrue. Since the implementation of the NSL in June 2020, the US has ignored the large-scale and incessant riots that occurred in 2019 and devastated society, livelihood and economy of Hong Kong. Instead, it piled up false stories and fabricated narratives through various so-called reports to maliciously slander laws relevant to safeguarding national security in the HKSAR, and blatantly attack the HKSAR in safeguarding national security dutifully, faithfully and in accordance with the law. The US has also deliberately neglected the fact that the NSL has enabled the livelihood and economic activities of the Hong Kong community, and as well the business environment, to return to normalcy. Its bullying act and hypocrisy with double standards are utterly ugly and despicable.

     "As a matter of fact, it is each and every sovereign state's inherent right to enact laws safeguarding national security, and it is also an international practice. The US has at least 21 pieces of laws safeguarding national security. It is therefore in no position to point its finger at the HKSAR for legitimately legislating to safeguard national security.

     "The legal framework in safeguarding national security in the HKSAR is in line with relevant international human rights standards.The NSL and the SNSO clearly stipulate that human rights shall be respected and protected in safeguarding national security. The rights and freedoms, including the freedoms of speech, of the press and of publication, and the freedoms of association, of assembly, of procession and of demonstration, enjoyed by Hong Kong residents under the Basic Law and the provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights as applied to the HKSAR are protected in accordance with the law."

     "Extraterritorial effect for the offences endangering national security under the SNSO fully aligns with the principles of international law, international practice and common practice adopted in various countries and regions. It is both necessary and legitimate, and is also in line with those of other countries and regions around the world. It can be seen that the national security laws of various countries also have extraterritorial effect under the 'personality principle' and the 'protective principle'. In formulating the extraterritorial effect under the SNSO, we have already taken into account the principles of international law and international practice of state jurisdiction, as well as the nature of the offences," the spokesman said.

     "We must also point out that the HKSAR law enforcement agencies have been taking law enforcement actions based on evidence and strictly in accordance with the law in respect of the acts of the persons or entities concerned, which have nothing to do with their political stance, background or occupation. The suggestion that certain individuals should be immune from legal consequences for their illegal acts is no different from advocating a special pass to break the law, and this totally runs contrary to the spirit of the rule of law."

     "The SNSO is a piece of legislation to defend against external forces that endanger our national security, strengthening the protection for our home. Only intruders trying to plunder and loot will not want the HKSAR to safeguard our country in accordance with the law. The HKSAR Government strongly urges the House of Representatives of the US Congress to stop its attempts to interfere Hong Kong in safeguarding national security in accordance with the law by deploying such political tactics," the spokesman reiterated.

     It is incontrovertible that safeguarding national security will provide a better business environment in Hong Kong. The HKSAR Government will continue to safeguard national security fearlessly, so that the HKSAR can focus its efforts on developing the economy, improving people's livelihood and maintaining the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong.

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