HKSAR Government objects Taiwan authorities’ unfounded remarks regarding legal assistance between HK and Taiwan

     In response to media enquiries, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government today (December 22) made the following response:

     The HKSAR Government expresses strong opposition to the Taiwan authorities' repeated unfounded claims regarding legal assistance between Hong Kong and Taiwan. With clear understanding that Hong Kong has no law to provide legal assistance and surrender fugitive offenders to Taiwan, the Taiwan authorities are still repeatedly making irresponsible and slanderous remarks about Hong Kong, to which the HKSAR Government expresses its objection and discontent.

     With a view to combating crimes, the HKSAR Government has already provided materials to the Taiwan authorities within the confines of its system. We urge the Taiwan authorities not to put politics before the rule of law and use cases of Chan tong-kai and the suspect Lam as excuses to jeopardise the rule of law. Taiwan authorities’ remarks are tantamount to requesting the HKSAR Government to violate its own laws. Hong Kong cannot agree with the Taiwan authorities' exercising the rule of law with political considerations. This is in violation with Hong Kong’s spirit of the rule of law.