HKMA and Paris EUROPLACE co-host financial seminar (with photos)

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority:
     The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) and Paris EUROPLACE co-hosted the Hong Kong-Paris Financial Seminar in Hong Kong today (January 16).
     The Seminar provided a platform for financial market participants in Hong Kong and Paris to exchange views on the latest trends and developments and to explore further financial collaboration between the two financial centres.  It was opened by the Deputy Chief Executive of the HKMA, Mr Eddie Yue, and the First Deputy Governor, Banque de France, Mr Denis Beau, followed by two panel discussions comprising experts from the Hong Kong and French financial and fintech sectors. 
     The first panel, chaired by the Executive Director (External) of the HKMA, Mr Vincent Lee, discussed the role of Hong Kong as the gateway to China and opportunities, including those in RMB internationalisation, continued opening-up of China's financial and capital markets, as well as the Greater Bay Area.  Chaired by the Chief Executive Officer of Paris EUROPLACE, Mr Arnaud de Bresson, the second panel focused on the development of new finance, including green finance, fintech and digital finance, in both Hong Kong and Paris and collaboration opportunities in these areas. 
     Mr Yue said, "Today's seminar provides a useful platform for Hong Kong and French financial institutions to step up exchange and collaboration.  Hong Kong and Paris are two financial centres sharing many complementary strengths.  Amid growing opportunities from the opening-up of Mainland China and new finance, there is much room for market participants from these two places to share experiences and collaborate."
     Over 120 representatives from banks, asset management companies, corporates and other financial institutions, as well as fintech companies in both Hong Kong and France attended the Seminar.

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