HKETONY and InvestHK join hands to promote business opportunities in Hong Kong (with photos)

     The Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, New York (HKETONY) and the Invest Hong Kong (InvestHK) joined hands to promote business opportunities in Hong Kong at a holiday reception held in New York on January 24 (New York time).

     The event, hosted by the Hong Kong Association of New York was attended by guests from various sectors, including business, finance, legal and trade.

     In her welcome remarks, the Director of HKETONY, Ms Maisie Ho, gave the guests an update on the latest economic situation and developments in Hong Kong, and highlighted the city's role as a major global financial centre, the world's largest offshore renminbi business hub, an international asset and wealth management centre and a start-up hub, as well as one of the best places for high-net-worth individuals to set up family office.

     "Hong Kong is a city full of opportunities. As an international business hub and premier gateway to Mainland China, Hong Kong is an ideal partner for global enterprise and investment in Asia", she said.

     Ms Ho's points were reiterated by the Head of International Business Development of InvestHK, Ms Alison Tsui, who shared with the guests her insights on doing business in Hong Kong, highlighting the city's unique advantages, its energised startup ecosystems and the latest initiatives on attracting companies and talents. 

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