Some 500 guests attended a spring reception in Tokyo, Japan, today (March 19), organised by the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Tokyo), to celebrate the arrival of spring and the flower blossom season.
Speaking to guests from various sectors including Japanese political and business circles, academia, media and community groups, the Principal Hong Kong Economic and Trade Representative (Tokyo), Miss Winsome Au, said that Hong Kong and Japan have strengthened economic and trade relations, flourished through collaborations on different fronts, and made shared achievements together in the past year.
She noted that Hong Kong was the fifth-largest inbound tourist source market for Japan, reaching more than 2.68 million tourists for 2024, and remained the second-largest export market for Japanese agricultural, forestry and fishery products in the year.
"With direct connections to 15 airports in Japan, and soon 18, we are confident that our people-to-people exchanges will continue to grow," Miss Au added.
On the business front, she noted that over 1 430 Japanese companies operate in Hong Kong, making them the largest group from overseas. Notably, Invest Hong Kong has attracted over 500 enterprises outside Hong Kong to set up in the city in 2024, with more renowned Japanese brands expanding their presence.
She also updated the guests of the latest developments of Hong Kong, and shared with them the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government's measures to fast-track Hong Kong's economy through reform and innovation in the 2025-26 Budget and the 2024 Policy Address.
The spring reception was organised by the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Tokyo), and supported by Invest Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Trade Development Council and the Hong Kong Tourism Board.
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