HKETO, Brussels promotes Hong Kong opportunities in biotech and logistics in Belgium and the Netherlands (with photos)

     The Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Brussels (HKETO, Brussels) brought opportunities in biotech and logistics in Hong Kong and elsewhere in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to the attention of entrepreneurs in Belgium and the Netherlands at two well-attended business seminars this week in Brussels, Belgium, and Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

     Co-organised by HKETO, Brussels with the Belgium-Hong Kong Society, Invest Hong Kong (InvestHK) and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), the business seminar in Brussels has become an important annual event in which speakers update Belgian companies on the latest developments and business opportunities in Hong Kong. 

     At the seminar on September 28 (Brussels time) entitled "Hong Kong, Gateway for Venture Capital in Biotech", the Special Representative for Hong Kong Economic and Trade Affairs to the European Union, Mr Eddie Cheung, spoke with around 60 Belgian entrepreneurs on how Hong Kong is seizing the opportunities related to China's fast-growing biotech industry, which has attracted strong venture capital interest.

     The Managing Director of Innofocus, Mr Luc Lammens, shared his insight on why Hong Kong, in just three years, has become the second largest listing venue for biotech pioneers, while the Senior Investment Promotion Executive at InvestHK, Ms Paula Kant, introduced business opportunities in Hong Kong in various cutting-edge sectors.

     In the Netherlands, the seminar "Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area: Shaping the Logistics of the Future" on September 29 (Rotterdam time) looked at major changes in the logistics industry in recent years and the opportunities offered to the industry in the Greater Bay Area. 

     The seminar was organised by the Netherlands Hong Kong Business Association, in collaboration with HKETO, Brussels; InvestHK; and the HKTDC. Several promising entrepreneurs in the Netherlands described how leading companies are harnessing innovative solutions to prepare themselves for emerging trends and major changes in the logistics industry. 

     At the Netherlands-Hong Kong Friendship Dinner after the seminar, Mr Cheung addressed participants and special guests, including the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China to the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Mr Tan Jian; the Acting Director General for Foreign Economic Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, Mr Peter Potman; and the Vice Mayor of the City of Rotterdam, Mr Arjan van Gils.

     Mr Cheung shared with entrepreneurs in Belgium and the Netherlands the newly published "Report on Hong Kong's Business Environment: A Place with Unique Advantages and Unlimited Opportunities". He said the Report is a fact-based summary of the strong fundamentals of Hong Kong as a business hub and an international financial centre, and pointed out that, with restored stability, judicial independence and proximity to Mainland China, opportunities abound in Hong Kong for all business sectors.

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