HKEAA submits 2018 Territory-wide System Assessment Report


     A spokesman for the Education Bureau (EDB) said today (October 23) that the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA) has submitted the report of the 2018 Territory-wide System Assessment (TSA) to the EDB.
     The spokesman said, "In 2018, the Primary Three TSA was conducted on the basis of 'no student names, no school names, no collection of reports and selection of participants by sampling'. About 10 per cent of Primary Three students from public sector and Direct Subsidy Scheme schools in the territory were sampled to participate in the Primary Three TSA. Primary schools which have arranged for all their Primary Three students to participate in the assessment will be provided with school-level data directly by the HKEAA later for use as feedback on learning and teaching. The EDB will not obtain school reports of individual schools from the HKEAA."
     The performance in the three subjects of Chinese Language, English Language and Mathematics of the Primary Three and Secondary Three students who participated in the TSA this year remains steady. As the Primary Three TSA this year was conducted on a sampling basis, the HKEAA processed the related data through statistical methodology to calculate the territory-wide basic competency attainment rates in the three subjects of Chinese Language, English Language and Mathematics. As in previous years, the attainment rates of different levels were calculated against the basic competency standards set in 2004.
     The spokesman added, "The new arrangements for the Primary Three TSA and related enhancement measures have re-established the TSA as a low-stakes assessment without the need for drilling, and the education sector is generally satisfied with the new arrangements. According to the information provided by the HKEAA, schools which have arranged for all their Primary Three students to participate in the assessment have selected school reports with different coverage according to their school-based and subject-based needs, with the information analysis report being particularly popular. Schools agree that assessment reports provide useful information which helps them develop more appropriate curriculum plans and learning and teaching strategies, and implement 'assessment for learning' in the classroom."
     The EDB has regularised the four enhancement measures, namely improving assessment papers and question design, enhancing school reports, strengthening professional support measures and including a questionnaire survey on students' learning attitude and motivation, and will continue to support schools in promoting "assessment for learning" to encourage sharing of good teaching practices among schools. The EDB will organise seminars on the 2018 TSA arrangements to promote "assessment for learning". Effective ways of using assessment data and information to enhance learning and teaching will be introduced. The seminars will be held in November. Teachers can sign up via the EDB training calendar.
     The EDB will continue to strengthen public education on how to make good use of assessment information to improve learning and teaching. The EDB will also closely observe the implementation of the new arrangements for the Primary Three TSA through various channels including inspections, school visits and daily contacts, with a view to maintaining communication with schools and stakeholders and exploring room for continuous improvement and follow-up arrangements.
     The territory-wide percentages of students achieving basic competencies in the three subjects of Chinese Language, English Language and Mathematics from 2004 to 2018 are shown in the Annex. Details of the TSA and this year's results can be found on the HKEAA's website (

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