HK SciFest 2021 fosters popular science culture through online and offline programmes


     The integrated science programme, HK SciFest 2021, will be launched from tomorrow (March 26) until April 11. The festival is presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) and organised by the Hong Kong Science Museum (ScM) in collaboration with about 90 partners and units. Over 100 delightful science experience activities are offered online and offline for the public to enjoy the fun of science in many ways.
     During the festival, the ScM will stage five new exhibitions featuring the world of flowers, stories behind the encounters between amateur naturalists and nature, the application of science and technology in agriculture, the future of seed technology, as well as global climate change. The exhibitions are enhanced with multimedia for visitors to explore various dimensions of science from a new perspective.
     This year, some highlighted events including "Fun Science Carnival" and "Croucher Science Week", which will take place online for the first time, enabling rich exposures to different science streams through online broadcasts and productions under the guidance of scientific teams worldwide. In addition, a series of "STEM x SCM" online activities are designed to elevate public interest in and understanding of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Other interesting activities include visits and guided tours, science lectures and workshops, which will provide diverse science experiences for people of all ages.
     The closing event, the "Technologies of Gyroscope and Robotics" science demonstration, will be broadcast live on the ScM's Facebook page ( and YouTube channel ( at 6pm, April 11 (Sunday). Robots will perform Tai Chi and tightrope walking to demonstrate how they maintain balance using gyroscopic technology.
     With "Technology For Our Future" as the theme this year, the HK SciFest aims to encourage the public to learn more about the latest achievements in science and technology as well as the development trends of the future in a light-hearted way, and to take advantage of technology wisely for dealing with future changes and challenges.
     In view of the latest situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, the festival's programmes may be adjusted or cancelled. Participants will be informed of the latest arrangements prior to the programme. For programme details and enrolment methods, please visit the website of HK SciFest 2021 at
     The ScM will implement special opening hours from 10am to 5pm daily (except on regular closing days). The Museum will also apply admission by sessions and quotas to limit visitor flows. Visitors to Museum facilities will need to use hand sanitiser and will be subject to temperature checks before admission. They also need to wear their own masks. Children aged under 12 will only be allowed to enter the venue when accompanied by an adult. Enhanced measures, including cleaning and disinfection between sessions, will be conducted. For details please visit the Museum's website (
     Appeals are made to members of the public to use the "LeaveHomeSafe" mobile app and scan the QR code with the app before entering the LCSD venues. For visitors who opt for registering personal information for entering, the venue staff may immediately call the contact number provided by the visitor to verify the authenticity of information. Visitors are reminded to arrive earlier to avoid delaying their visit as a longer time is required for such registration. To tie in with the Government's anti-epidemic efforts, the aforesaid arrangements aim to enable necessary contact tracing if a confirmed case is found, thus minimising the risk of further transmission of the virus.
     The Hong Kong Science Museum is located at 2 Science Museum Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East.

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