HK Film Archive presents “Out of the Past – From the Tai Ping Treasure Trove” exhibition (with photos)

     The exhibition "Out of the Past – From the Tai Ping Treasure Trove", organised by the Hong Kong Film Archive (HKFA) of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, is being held from today (May 28) to October 17 at the Exhibition Hall of the HKFA, revisiting the history of the Tai Ping Theatre during its years of operation.
     The exhibition begins with the completion of the theatre in 1904, and then leads the visitors to see its glorious days after redevelopment, the hard times under the Japanese occupation, and the closing down of the theatre in 1981. The exhibition showcases a 3D model built according to the theatre's architecture plan from 1903, and more than 100 paper items donated by the third-generation owner, Ms Beryl Yuen, including floor plans of the theatre from the early 20th century, revenue sharing agreements and balance sheets of movie screenings, and letters between past theatre owners and celebrities from various sectors. A video of Ms Yuen introducing the former site of the theatre will also be shown at the venue.
     To complement the exhibition, the HKFA will hold four seminars in Cantonese at its Cinema. The seminars are detailed below:

Date Time Topic Speakers
May 30 2.30pm Throwback "Taiping" Good Old Days Beryl Yuen and Janice Chow
June 27 2.30pm Tai Ping Words: The Art of Writing in Yuen Family Documents Sam Ho
July 18 2.30pm Tai Ping Theatre: An Architectural Perspective Audrey Yip
September 26 2.30pm Tai Ping Theatre and Communities: Public Affairs and Personal Memories Dr Vivian Ting and Yeung Sau-cheuk

     Admission to the exhibition and the seminars is free. For details, please call 2739 2139 or visit
     In view of the latest situation of COVID-19, audiences should take note of the latest service arrangements to be implemented by the HKFA. For details, please visit or contact the HKFA at 2739 2139. 

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