Highlights of the 24th EASO Management Board meeting, 13-14 June 2017

On 13-14 June 2017, EASO held its 24th Management Board meeting at the Agency’s headquarters in Malta.
EASO’s Executive Director and Management Team updated the members of the Management Board on progress of work achieved in the implementation of the Agency’s Annual Work Programme and the situation of Asylum in the EU+ 2016.

Highlights from the 24th EASO Management Board Meeting by Jose Carreira, EASO Executive Director

Among main topics discussed included recent developments such as the EASO Asylum Intervention Pool System, new training modules and the development of support tools to enhance operational support activities on the ground and in particular in Italy and in Greece. 
In view of the negotiations on the draft proposal for Regulation on the European Union Agency for Asylum and the repealing Regulation, EASO also briefed the Management Board on its internal preparations in view of the implementation of the European Union Agency for Asylum, which is currently discussed by the co-legislators.

On situation of Asylum in the EU+, Mr. Ward Lutin, Head of EASO’s Information and Analysis Unit commented that the increased number of asylum decisions at first instance in 2016 was a “record year”. This lead to a decrease on the number of backlog cases. As also reported during the MB meeting Germany, Italy, France and Greece were some of the main receiving countries of asylum applicants in the last 12 months.

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