Health Secretary responds to NHS workforce statistics


Compared to 2010, there are over 23,100 more doctors in our NHS and over 22,000 more nurses, midwives and health visitors.

All professionally qualified clinical staff, doctors, nurses, scientific, therapeutic and technical staff and support to clinical staff are at record levels.

Responding to NHS workforce statistics today, Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock said:

It’s fantastic to see record numbers of NHS staff, including 6,000 more doctors and 12,000 more nurses compared to last year.

Thanks to the hard work and dedication of our NHS staff, we are turning the tide on coronavirus, and I remain absolutely committed to growing the workforce and making the NHS the best possible place to work.

We will continue to do everything we can to attract and retain our brilliant NHS staff as part of delivering 50,000 more nurses by end of the Parliament.

The figures for March do not include any former healthcare professionals who bravely volunteered to return to the frontline to support the NHS during the pandemic, as they began to deployed from April.

Today NHS Digital has published their monthly NHS workforce data for March 2020

Over the last year (March 2019 to 2020) the number of nurses has gone up by 12,131, from 282,422 to 294,553.

Over the last year (March 2019 to 2020) the number of doctors has gone up by 6,629, from 112,031 to 118,660.

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