Health and Safety


HSL: Leadership Series – Health & Safety Leadership Excellence: A Workshop for Senior Leaders – Buxton, 21 Feb 2017

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HSL is to run a 1 day course on Leadership Series – Health & Safety Leadership Excellence: A Workshop for Senior Leaders.

21 February 2017


This one day interactive workshop is designed to equip senior leaders with knowledge and understanding of key health and safety leadership responsibilities and values (as identified through research) and understand how this enables them to work towards achieving health and safety cultural excellence.

By the end of the workshop, leaders will be able to reflect on their own leadership style as well as leadership within the business in the following four areas:



Leaders will be able to:

  • Consider their roles and responsibilities for health and safety in line with current regulation
  • Recognise the influence of leadership on health and safety performance/culture
  • Recognise the importance of leadership as a means of preventing work-related stress
  • Recognise the link between effective health and safety leadership and becoming a high reliability organisation (HRO).
  • Reflect upon their business’s leadership strategy


Leaders will be able to:

  • Recognise the impact of leadership on team cohesion and functioning, in particular the importance of effective interpersonal skills
  • Understand the importance of inviting and challenging the good and bad news
  • Appreciate the benefits of effective reward, recognition and reinforcement


Leaders will be able to:

  • Understand HSL’s model for effective health and safety leadership
  • Reflect on their own health and safety leadership style  and what can influence their own decision making and subsequent behaviours


  • Better understand the myriad of influences upon others’ behaviour (introducing HSL’s evidence based model of human behaviour), including the impact of our subconscious bias, learning styles and human error. This will help leaders respond more appropriately to their team.


The workshop is designed to equip you with the latest thinking and research in health and safety leadership as well as provide you with the opportunity to share your own experiences, reflect on your capabilities, consider ways in which you can drive a leadership strategy forward in your own organisation and learn from your peers and HSL experts.

Delegates will leave with an individual and organisational development plan for how they intend to improve their own and others leadership capabilities.

Who will benefit?

This tworkshop is for anyone with senior health and safety leadership responsibility, i.e. health and safety managers and directors, operations directors, human resource directors, company directors. This workshop could be delivered in-house depending upon company requirements.


The workshop will be run at the Health & Safety Laboratory in the spa town of Buxton. Buxton is in the heart of the Peak District and has good links to mainline train stations and Manchester International Airport.

Details of hotels in the Buxton area can be found at


The cost of this workshop is £495 per person (includes course notes, lunch and refreshments).



•          Recognise the influence of leadership on health and safety performance/culture

•          Recognise the importance of leadership as a means of preventing work-related stress

•          Recognise the link between effective health and safety leadership and becoming a high reliability organisation (HRO).

•          Reflect upon their business’s leadership strategy


•          Recognise the impact of leadership on team cohesion and functioning, in particular the importance of effective interpersonal skills

•          Understand the importance of inviting and challenging the good and bad news

•          Appreciate the benefits of effective reward, recognition and reinforcement


•          Understand HSL’s model for effective health and safety leadership

•          Reflect on their own health and safety leadership style  and what can influence their own decision making and subsequent behaviours


•          Better understand the myriad of influences upon others’ behaviour (introducing HSL’s evidence based model of human behaviour), including the impact of our subconscious bias, learning styles and human error. This will help leaders respond more appropriately to their team.

Book Course

Please note the invoice option is not available within 4 weeks of the course date, or for overseas customers.  If you are selecting the invoice option for payment, it will be mandatory to input a purchase order/reference number as we are unable to process booking forms without this.

For further dates and additional information email: or contact the Training & Conferences Unit
at HSL directly on +44 (0)1298 218806.

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RR1085 – Exploring the human and physical factors associated with telescopic handler overturning risks

A combination of machine instability and various human factors elements are important precipitating factors in telescopic handler overturn incidents. Industry guidance makes a number of assumptions about the impact of operator “knowledge gaps”, however the link between operator knowledge gaps and overturn risk is, at present, hypothetical and remains empirically untested.

This study was done to identify:

  • the full range of human factors issues that might potentially contribute to telescopic handler overturn incidents;
  • the human factors issues that appear to be most important in terms of overturn risk and
  • key operator knowledge gaps that could increase the probability of an operator overturning a machine.

The research indicates that a machine is more likely to overturn when its boom is raised and /or extended. Overturn incidents are also strongly related to lateral (in contrast to longitudinal) instability. As some operators were not aware of the overturn risk related to lateral instability, this implies the possibility of a knowledge gap among operators. Weaknesses in training and site management/supervision are also likely to increase overturn risk. The installation of lateral instability warning technology could reduce overturn risks by warning operators of dangerous situations before a critical threshold is reached.

Assistance in the use of Adobe Acrobat PDF files is available on our FAQs page.

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RR1084 – Forklift truck reverse sensor systems assessment

Counterbalance forklift trucks (FLTs) are widely used in a variety of industry sectors for material handling. Incidents involving FLTs are typically vehicle/pedestrian, vehicle/vehicle, or vehicle/structure collisions. Of these, vehicle/pedestrian incidents have the most potential for reportable injury and around 500 incidents a year involving moving FLTs are reported to HSE.

Measures to improve or augment the operator’s field of vision can include: mirrors and CCTV systems (which rely on the operator’s observations) and sensor systems (including ultrasonic, radar, and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)), similar to those commonly fitted to passenger vehicles; or simply improving the driver’s operating position.

This report describes work undertaken to assess the active sensor systems (ultrasonic and radar) commonly used to reduce the risk of collisions. The systems tested appeared to provide a useful function in mitigating the risk of collision by stopping the truck when an obstruction was detected. However, certain configurations produced blind spots in the detection zones that could allow a pedestrian to approach the truck without being detected. The sensors also needed to be mounted to give an appropriate detection zone without producing a large number of false detections.

Companies should establish the conditions under which they will be operating an FLT and select a system that best fits their particular operating environment. Consideration should be given in the first instance to the practicability of removing pedestrians from the working area, although it is acknowledged that this is not always possible.

Assistance in the use of Adobe Acrobat PDF files is available on our FAQs page.

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RR1083 – Risks to respiratory health in the grain industry

A detailed literature search was carried out to summarise evidence about respiratory disease caused by exposure to grain dust. Long term epidemiological studies examining the risk for respiratory disease in grain workers were undertaken in Canada and the USA from the 1970s to the late 1990s. Smaller studies were undertaken in the UK and Europe but mostly focussed on respiratory disease in arable and livestock farmers.

The conclusion of this review is that the damaging effects of grain dust on the respiratory tract are accumulative and occur at high concentrations of exposure. Acute responses also occur and include declines in lung function as well as irritation and inflammation of the airways. There is less evidence that grain dust exposure causes occupational asthma despite the dusts containing allergens. This may be due to a ‘healthy worker’ effect with those already having, or developing, asthma leaving employment earlier than others. There is stronger evidence that the long term effects of exposure include emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and interstitial fibrosis of the lung. The risk of developing extrinsic allergic alveolitis has reduced through preventing damp conditions in stored grain.

Assistance in the use of Adobe Acrobat PDF files is available on our FAQs page.

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