
HSL: Site and Transport Safety – Birmingham, 12 July 2017

Book Course

HSL is to run a 1 day course on Manual Handling for Assessors.

12 July 2017


Manual handling is one of the main causes of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD), which are the second most common occupational injuries within the UK and make up nearly half of all work-related ill health seen by general practitioners (GPs) are MSD related. The most recent HSE statistics on MSDs show a 20% increase in MSDs with 184,000 new cases (2013/14), around 80 per cent of which are attributable to work conditions.

Prevention and control of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) is a major priority and as such HSE have published a simple but effective risk assessment method called the MAC tool.  This enables risk identification of key manual handling risk factors so that these can be eliminated or managed in the most cost effective way.

This course will equip you with the knowledge to help recognise, assess and reduce manual handling risks in your organisation. It is suited to employers and employee representatives who intend to begin the process of manual handling risk assessment and control within their companies. It will also benefit those already involved in manual handling risk reduction who require more formal or in-depth training in this subject, including training in the use of specific manual handling assessment tools.

The course will cover:

  • Principles of manual handling
  • Understanding injuries
  • Common types of injuries
  • Legal aspects
  • Key risk factors
  • Manual handling risk assessment (MAC and L23)
  • Pushing and pulling
  • Control and reduction of risk
  • Key principles of good handling techniques
  • Case studies

Presenters include:

• Matthew Birtles, HSL – Ergonomics specialist in MSDs


The course will be run at the HSL laboratory in the spa town of Buxton. Buxton is in the heart of the Peak District and has good links to mainline train stations and Manchester International Airport.

Details of hotels in the Buxton area can be found at www.visitbuxton.co.uk


The cost of this course is £450 per person (includes course notes, lunch and refreshments).

Book Course

Please note the invoice option is not available within 4 weeks of the course date, or for overseas customers.  If you are selecting the invoice option for payment, it will be mandatory to input a purchase order/reference number as we are unable to process booking forms without this.

For further dates and additional information email: training@hsl.gsi.gov.uk or contact the Training & Conferences Unit
at HSL directly on +44 (0)1298 218806.

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HSL: Procedures: Making Sure Yours Works – Buxton, 17-18 May 2017

Book Course

HSL is to run a 2 day course on Procedures: Making sure yours work.

17 – 18 May 2017

Are you frustrated by workers in your organisation not following procedures?

Are procedures a recurring factor in your accidents and near misses?

Do you struggle to adhere to generic company procedures that don’t reflect the reality of your work context?

Do you feel that you have too many procedures or they’re just not useful but you don’t know what to do about them?

If you’ve answered yes to any or all of these questions, you are not alone and this course is for you.

Having good and effective procedures is something that marks out organisations that perform better on health, safety and environmental performance – and on wider business and quality performance too.  A core set of valued, useable and user-friendly procedures underpins good and consistent performance.  But it’s not about having lots of procedures (or long ones), it’s about having the right procedures for the right things and keeping them simple and concise.

This new HSL course is designed to help you review existing procedures effectively and equip you with the capability to write new ones. It is based on human factors good practice in designing, developing and writing procedures and other job aids and enhancing compliance. It makes good use of HSL’s wide industry experience in this area and its in-depth knowledge of what makes good procedures and setting up the physical and social context which will encourage people to use them. The course is aimed at procedure writers and reviewers (and those that manage this process) and provides practical focus on ‘the ‘how’ as well as using your own-company procedure examples to work on.

Those who attend will learn: the human factors principles that apply to good procedures; how to apply these practically to develop, design, review and write effective procedures; and what underpins compliance with procedures. The course provides some simple tools and guidance to help procedure writers and reviewers improve key procedures consistently and simply.

The course is suited to groups from organisations who are involved in procedure writing and review, either as single courses or working alongside similar groups from other organisations. The open course will run at the HSL Buxton site but the course can be delivered at your own site if there are suitable training facilities and access.

The course will be run at the HSL laboratory in the spa town of Buxton. Buxton is in the heart of the Peak District and has good links to mainline train stations and Manchester International Airport.

Details of hotels in the Buxton area can be found at www.visitbuxton.co.uk

The cost of the course is £1,100 per person (includes course notes, lunch and refreshments).

Book Course

Please note the invoice option is not available within 4 weeks of the course date, or for overseas customers.  If you are selecting the invoice option for payment, it will be mandatory to input a purchase order/reference number as we are unable to process booking forms without this.

For further dates and additional information email: training@hsl.gsi.gov.uk or contact the Training & Conferences Unit
at HSL directly on +44 (0)1298 218806.

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HSL: COSHH Training – Practical Assessment and Control – Buxton – 6-7 Sept 2017

Book Course

HSL is to run a 2 day course on COSHH Training – Practical Assessment and Control.

6-7 September 2017

This two day course gives detailed and practical training on carrying out COSHH assessments and, crucially, putting the assessment into practice to control substances hazardous to health.

Many people tasked with COSHH assessments are unsure what is required or where to get information.  Once the initial assessment is complete, they are often uncertain on how to approach control, and how to judge when control is adequate.  This course aims to give that knowledge and those skills.

Day one covers assessing exposure and risk and includes case studies and the chance to work through examples.  Day two moves on to implementing exposure controls that are effective and reliable, and includes practical demonstrations.  The focus for both days is on practicality and effectiveness.

  • Hazardous substances and risks from over exposure
  • COSHH regulations and what they mean in practice
  • Guidance and finding information
  • Assessments and action plans
  • Adequate control, understanding limits, the principles of good control practice
  • Hierarchy of control and reliability
  • Reducing exposure by process change and substitution
  • Choosing and using effective LEV
  • Choosing and using RPE
  • Skin and ingestion exposure
  • Choosing and using PPE

The course will benefit anyone tasked with completing COSHH assessments and/or implementing controls, whether for the first time or to improve skills.  This will typically include managers and supervisors and safety officers.  Health and safety professionals looking to refresh or update their skills may also benefit but please note that the course assumes no prior knowledge and therefore includes basic concepts and information.

The course will be run at the HSL laboratory in the spa town of Buxton. Buxton is in the heart of the Peak District and has good links to mainline train stations and Manchester International Airport.

Details of hotels in the Buxton area can be found at www.visitbuxton.co.uk.

The cost of the course is £750 per person (includes course notes, lunch and refreshments).

Comments & Feedback
“The knowledge gained from the trainer was exceptional.”
Sean Thackwell, BOC Group Limited
Book Course

Please note the invoice option is not available within 4 weeks of the course date, or for overseas customers.  If you are selecting the invoice option for payment, it will be mandatory to input a purchase order/reference number as we are unable to process booking forms without this.

For further dates and additional information email: training@hsl.gsi.gov.uk or contact the Training & Conferences Unit
at HSL directly on +44 (0)1298 218806.

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HSL: Stair Assessment – Buxton, 26 April 2017

Book Course

HSL is to run a 1 day course on Stair Assessment.

26 April 2017

The causes of stair falls are well understood but poorly designed stairs are still commonplace, stairs therefore often present significant potential for harm. A stair fall often leads to serious injury or even death. In the UK there is a fall on stairs every 90 seconds (BS 5395-1:2010). It is often assumed that all stairs comply with the relevant building codes and that compliance means the stair must be safe. Neither of these assumptions is true.

HSL falls prevention experts investigate serious and fatal stair accidents, often in seemingly innocuous environments like retail premises and restaurants. There are approximately 100,000 accidents on stairs in leisure environments each year, and several thousand more in the workplace.

Negotiating stairs is a largely subconscious task and, as such, falls are often blamed entirely on human error. In reality, the design of a stair plays a critical role in helping a pedestrian make their subconscious judgments accurately and therefore safely negotiate the stair. Understanding both stair design and human performance is the key to making a difference to risk.

Simple, cost-effective improvements to existing stairs can significantly reduce the risk of a serious fall. This course will help you understand the design features of stairs which can give rise to a risk of falling, and identify simple remedial improvements to reduce the likelihood of a fall.

To get the most out of the course, delegates are encouraged to share a stair fall issue from their own workplace in advance, with photographs where possible, for discussion during the day. This ensures that you get the most relevant information from the course.

By the end of the course, you will have the knowledge and skills to assess stairs in your own premises, and identify examples of good and bad practice. This will allow appropriate changes to working practices and the work environment to be considered and planned in proportion with the risks and costs involved.

The course will cover

  • Common design issues that give rise to a risk of falls on stairs
  • Examples of HSL stair investigations and the findings
  • How to undertake a stair fall assessment using a simple toolkit
  • An opportunity for you to assess stairs yourself and discuss with the expert

Anyone who is interested in understanding falls on stairs or who has responsibility for managing health and safety.

We can run bespoke courses at your premises tailored to your specific requirements. This includes a free expert assessment of your stairs.

The course will be run at the HSL laboratory in the spa town of Buxton. Buxton is in the heart of the Peak District and has good links to mainline train stations and Manchester International Airport.

Details of hotels in the Buxton area can be found at www.visitbuxton.co.uk

The full cost of the course is £450 per person (includes course notes, lunch and refreshments).

Book Course

Please note the invoice option is not available within 4 weeks of the course date, or for overseas customers.  If you are selecting the invoice option for payment, it will be mandatory to input a purchase order/reference number as we are unable to process booking forms without this.

For further dates and additional information email: training@hsl.gsi.gov.uk or contact the Training & Conferences Unit
at HSL directly on +44 (0)1298 218806.

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HSL: Slips and Trips-Falls Prevention – Buxton, 31 Oct 2017

Book Course

HSL is to run a 1 day course on Slips and Trips – Falls Prevention.

31 October 2017


Slips, trips and falls are the leading cause of major injuries in the workplace. These injuries can be devastating for the individual involved and they generate a huge financial burden on industry. Almost all slips and trips can be prevented, often with simple inexpensive interventions.

Slips and trips can happen for a number of reasons, but all too frequently people jump to conclusions about why they happen rather than looking for the true cause, or assume that it is ‘just one of those things’ and do nothing.

The biggest challenges when trying to reduce slips in the workplace are knowing where to get reliable information on flooring, understanding the ins and outs of cleaning, and knowing how to select footwear. Understanding the science behind slips and trips makes it easier to identify the true cause of a fall and prevent future incidents.

This course will help you understand the causes of slips, trips and falls, and highlight successful interventions that offer a great starting point for organisations looking to reduce falls. It is delivered by experts in accident investigation and has a practical focus on understanding the causes of slips, trips and falls and reducing the risk of future incidents.

Previous attendees of our slip, trip and fall training courses have reported a reduction in incidents of up to 50%.

Course includes

  • Why people slip – the slip potential model
  • Characterising flooring, which tests work, which don’t and why
  • The role of contamination in slip accidents
  • The effect that good and bad cleaning techniques can have on slips
  • How footwear can help in reducing slip accidents
  • Preventing trips
  • The causes of stair falls and how to reduce the risk

There will also be an opportunity to visit the Falls Prevention Team laboratory and see slip testing in action.

Who should attend

Anyone who is involved in managing slips and trips, particularly those responsible for selecting flooring or footwear in their business. Employees involved in critical operations such as cleaning.

The course can also be tailored to suit all businesses and employees. Bespoke versions of this course for specific organisations can be developed on request.


The course will be run at the HSL laboratory in the spa town of Buxton. Buxton is in the heart of the Peak District and has good links to mainline train stations and Manchester International Airport.

Details of hotels in the Buxton area can be found at www.visitbuxton.co.uk


The cost of this course is £450 per person (includes course notes, lunch and refreshments).

Book Course

Please note the invoice option is not available within 4 weeks of the course date, or for overseas customers.  If you are selecting the invoice option for payment, it will be mandatory to input a purchase order/reference number as we are unable to process booking forms without this.

For further dates and additional information email: training@hsl.gsi.gov.uk or contact the Training & Conferences Unit
at HSL directly on +44 (0)1298 218806.

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