Have a happy and peaceful Easter – Jeremy Corbyn

Jeremy Corbyn, speaking on Easter Sunday, said:

“I would like to wish everyone a happy Easter this weekend.

"As millions mark Easter around the world, it’s a time to reflect on the challenges we face both at home and internationally – and what our response should be.

"We hear painful stories every day, of homelessness, poverty or crisis in our health service – or across the world, of the devastating consequences of war and conflict, including millions forced to become refugees.

"It would be easy to retreat into our private lives because the challenges seem overwhelming, or allow ourselves to be divided and blame others.

"But we need to respond to these problems head on, through action and support for social justice, peace and reconciliation.

"Those principles are at the heart of Christianity. And Christians throughout the world will this weekend be remembering Jesus’s example of love and sacrifice, and the Easter message of redemption and peace.

"At a time of growing conflict, that message of peace could not have more urgency throughout the world.

"I meet Christians, and others of all faiths and none on a daily basis, who share and live those ideals: people who give their time for others, to run food banks, protect the vulnerable, look after the sick, the elderly and our young people.

"That spirit of respect for each other, peace and equality is one we can all share. So to all Christians and those of all faiths and none, have a happy and peaceful Easter.”