Happy St George’s Day


England is so often the country not allowed to speak its name. It was the country the EU did not want on its maps. It is the country the European  establishment and Opposition parties here at home wish to break up into regions.

It is also the country that did so much to pioneer democratic government, that opened up free trade, that has gone in the past to rescue Europe from autocrats invading countries to fashion  a European empire in their own image. Three times in the last 500 years we had to resist invasion of ourselves and others, from Spain, France then Germany. Three times we allied with the forces of national self determination and greater freedom, sacrificing lives and treasure for victory. Twice we fought as a United Kingdom.

England has offered the world the language of Shakespeare and the Industrial Revolution, great services  and many innovations. We should celebrate today in the knowledge that world is freer and more prosperous for the exertions  of our ancestors.

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