HAD’s statement on complaints against Sham Shui Po District Council members for displaying insulting notices


     The Home Affairs Department (HAD) recently received a large number of complaints against the Sham Shui Po District Council (DC) members, Mr Lee Man-ho and Mr Lao Ka-hang, for displaying insulting notices at their joint ward office.

     A spokesman of the HAD said today (March 17), "The notices displayed at the joint ward office of Mr Lee Man-ho and Mr Lao Ka-hang have caused a lot of disputes and conflict. There is a possible breach of the Code of Conduct for Members of a District Council or Its Committees in this incident. The HAD issued letters to the DC members concerned strongly advising them to remove the notices promptly in order to avoid social disturbance and damage to community harmony."

     The HAD also reminded the two DC members of the guiding principles in the Guidelines on the Remuneration Package for Members of the District Councils of the HKSAR (Remuneration Guidelines), i.e. a DC member should use public funds in an open, fair and accountable manner. The display of notices at the joint ward office of the two DC members may not be consistent with the guiding principles of the Remuneration Guidelines. 

     Furthermore, the HAD referred the complaints to the Chairman of Sham Shui Po DC so that he can follow-up, and hoped that the Sham Shui Po DC would handle the case impartially, as well as ensuring that DC members would refrain from acts that may compromise or impair his/her integrity, impartiality, objectivity or ability to perform duties and thereby bring the DC into disrepute.

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