HAD “StayHomeSafe” hotline and Home Support Supplies Delivery Service to cease operation


     The Home Affairs Department announced today (January 27) that as the Government will cease to issue isolation orders to infected persons with effect from January 30, the "StayHomeSafe" hotline (1833 019) will cease to accept requests for basic daily necessities and food from infected persons starting from January 30. The hotline will cease operation starting from 11pm on February 5.
     The "StayHomeSafe" hotline has commenced operation since early February last year to provide support to COVID-19 infected persons under home isolation and close contacts under home quarantine (hereinafter as "persons under home isolation/quarantine"). The Home Support Supplies Delivery Service (HSSDS), covering the whole territory of Hong Kong, has been delivering supplies to persons under home isolation/quarantine who cannot make their own arrangements for basic daily necessities or food since mid March last year. As at yesterday (January 26), the "StayHomeSafe" hotline has received over 1 160 000 calls, while the HSSDS has provided nearly 590 000 supply packs to about 210 000 households.

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