HA Cup 3×3 Basketball Challenge held (with photos)

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Housing Authority:
     The Secretary for Housing, Ms Winnie Ho; the Permanent Secretary for Housing, Miss Rosanna Law; the Under Secretary for Housing, Mr Victor Tai, and several members of the Hong Kong Housing Authority (HA) attended the HA Cup 3×3 Basketball Challenge today (August 20).
     To celebrate its 50th anniversary, the HA is organising a series of events this year to promote its concerted efforts in building homes and continuing its commitment to embrace future challenges. One of these events, the HA Cup 3×3 Basketball Challenge, aims to showcase the vitality and can-do spirit of the younger generation in public housing estates, while also fostering a sense of belonging to their estate community.
     Ms Ho said that the HA had contributed to the development of Hong Kong over the past 50 years through providing millions of people with stable homes and striving to improve their living environment.
     Ms Ho also encouraged young people in housing estates to have a broad vision and ideals, and to strive towards their goals with the same drive that they show on the basketball court.
     The 3×3 Basketball Challenge was co-organised with InspiringHK Sports Foundation, a sports charity organisation. The participating players all came from the organisation's WELLDUNK! training programme, many of whom are young people aged below 18 living in public housing estates. The basketball challenge finals took place at the basketball court in Shek Lei (II) Estate in Kwai Chung.
     The theme of the HA's 50th anniversary celebration is "Carving for the Future". Here, "Carving" symbolises the HA's relentless efforts over the years, working hand in hand with stakeholders to build better homes for people in Hong Kong. "Future" signifies the HA's commitment to leading the development of public housing, striving for progress and overcoming future challenges.
     In addition to the 3×3 Basketball Challenge, various activities and events are being organised as part of the 50th anniversary celebration. These include a Blueprint x Footprint self-guided tour of housing estates, a public housing photo contest and a public exhibition that cater to citizens of different ages and interests. Interested parties can visit the HA's 50th anniversary website to see the latest information.

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