HA apologises for inappropriate admission to Community Treatment Facility

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     The spokesman of Hospital Authority (HA) made an announcement today (August 2) regarding a citizen being inappropriately sent to the Community Treatment Facility:
     The HA arranged to send a woman by an ambulance to the Community Treatment Facility in the AsiaWorld-Expo at around 4pm yesterday (August 1) for isolation treatment according to the list of confirmed cases requiring hospital admission.
     Upon arrival, preliminary examination for the woman showed that her clinical condition was stable and suitable for receiving isolation treatment in the Community Treatment Facility.
     At 10pm on the same day, a doctor reviewed her information in the Clinical Management System and found that there have not been any positive coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) test results recorded.
     The viral test results were being reconfirmed this morning. The assessment by the healthcare staff confirmed that the woman had mainly stayed in her individual cubicle during her stay in the Community Treatment Facility. She had not contacted other patients and had worn a surgical mask. She was arranged to be transferred to Princess Margaret Hospital for isolation. COVID-19 test was arranged and the result was negative.
     The HA initially reviewed the incident and identified the need to strengthen the verification of the list of confirmed cases, including the confirmation of laboratory results at various junctures. In view of the recent escalation in the number of confirmed cases, the HA will work with the Centre for Health Protection to review the workflow for verifying confirmed patient information and laboratory results. Staff in departments concerned will be reminded to strengthen the verification of patient clinical information to avoid a recurrence of similar incidents.
     The Hospital Authority apologises to the woman for the inconvenience caused to her.