Guidance: Commonwealth Marine Economies (CME) Programme: Caribbean Marine Climate Change Report Card Scientific Reviews

These 12 scientific reviews provide the background for the Caribbean Marine Climate Change Report Card 2017, one of the Commonwealth Marine Economies Programme’s specific outputs from its first year. The Caribbean Marine Climate Change Report Card 2017 is a regional evaluation of the impact of climate change on the marine environment in the Caribbean, which will provide vital evidence for further analysis of the resulting socio-economic issues.

The scientific reviews cover the following topics:

  1. Physical Environment
  2. Extremes
  3. Sea Temperature
  4. Ocean Acidification
  5. Biodiversity
  6. Coral
  7. Mangroves
  8. Fish and Shellfish
  9. Society
  10. Fisheries
  11. Settlements and Infrastructure
  12. Tourism

The views expressed in the review papers do not represent the Commonwealth Marine Economies Programme, individual partner organisations or the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.