Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Development Office holds GoGBA Development Day to introduce new opportunities in Qianhai (with photos)

     The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Development Office (the Office) of the Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau organised the GoGBA Development Day today (April 11) to introduce the content of the Overall Development Plan for the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Co-operation Zone (Qianhai Overall Development Plan), its latest policies and measures as well as the significant development opportunities that are available for Hong Kong residents and enterprises.
     In her opening address at the event, the Commissioner for the Development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Ms Maisie Chan, said that Qianhai is one of the major co-operation platforms in the Greater Bay Area (GBA). With the support of the Central Government, the governments of Hong Kong and Shenzhen have done a lot of work for Hong Kong professional services sectors to tap into the Qianhai market. Attracting nearly 10 000 Hong Kong-invested enterprises to settle and develop there, Qianhai is the bridgehead for promoting the high-quality co-operation between Hong Kong and Shenzhen. As clearly stated in the Qianhai Overall Development Plan promulgated by the Central Government at the end of last year, the development of the Qianhai Co-operation Zone is an important initiative for supporting Hong Kong's social and economic development; fostering a higher level of co-operation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao; and establishing a new development paradigm in pursuing opening up. The focus of the Qianhai Overall Development Plan on the development of the modern service industries is precisely where Hong Kong's strengths lie and where Hong Kong can contribute to the development of Qianhai.
     Ms Chan added, "Capitalising on Hong Kong's strengths to serve the country's needs, Hong Kong will continue to give fully play to its strengths and closely co-operate with Shenzhen to help Qianhai continue to deepen the opening up and innovation of the financial industry, raising the level of internationalisation of the professional service sector, and broadening the opening up in areas such as legal services. We will also support more Mainland enterprises, including those from Qianhai, to go global and to attract foreign investment through the international platform of Hong Kong."
     The Deputy Director General of Qianhai Authority, Director General of the Qianhai Financial Regulatory Bureau, Ms Wen Ping, and the Deputy Director of Qianhai Enterprise and Talent Service Center, Mr Wu Huan Liang, were invited to deliver keynote speeches on the new opportunities for Hong Kong enterprises brought about by the Qianhai Overall Development Plan as well as the incentives and policies in key development areas of Qianhai respectively.
     Ms Wen said that our country's release of the Qianhai Overall Development Plan would definitely open up new scope, inject new impetus and provide new opportunities for Hong Kong's high quality development.
     In addition, there were also sharing by a number of representatives of Hong Kong enterprises of their successful experiences in developing businesses in Qianhai, offering invaluable advice to Hong Kong residents and enterprises aspiring to pursue development there. During the networking session, participants exchanged views proactively and sought to expand their business networks to pave the way for their future development in Qianhai.
     The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government has all along attached great importance to telling the good stories of the GBA. The Office has co-organised with the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) a number of "GoGBA Development Day" events in Hong Kong and the Mainland cities of the Greater Bay Area which feature theme-based briefings about various business opportunities in the Greater Bay Area, and all of them were widely welcomed by the participants. The event today was co-organised by Qianhai Authority and HKTDC, attracting about 170 participants to learn about the significance and objectives of the Qianhai Overall Development Plan as well as ways to seize the significant new opportunities in Qianhai.
     For more information about the GBA, please visit the dedicated website (, which also covers the content of the Greater Bay Area Information System ( for easy browsing by members of the public.

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