Growing demand for Universal Credit roll out to be halted.

7th September 2017

There is growing demand for the roll out of Universal Credit to be halted across the UK.

Today, Interim Labour leader Alex Rowley will lead a debate in the Scottish Parliament supporting calls for the roll out to be halted.

Alex called for the roll out of Universal Credit to be halted earlier in the summer.

Charities and individuals across civic Scotland have also united to call on the rollout to be halted.

Universal Credit, which will replace six existing benefits, is supposed to make access to social security payments less complicated. It has been rolled out in parts of Scotland and is due to be introduced in full across the country by the end of 2018 – starting this October. But there are particular concerns about the six-week waiting period for payments at the start of the process.

Since Universal Credit was introduced, Citizens Advice Scotland evidence in initial roll-out areas shows:

• A 15 per cent rise in rent arrears issues compared to a national decrease of 2 per cent.
• An 87 per cent increase in Crisis Grant issues compared to a national increase of 9 per cent.
• Two of five bureaux in impacted areas have seen a 40 per cent and a 70 per cent increase in advice about access to food banks advice, compared to a national increase of 3 per cent.

Read more about our plans for a fairer Social Security system here.