Greens winning across the country – now largest party in East Herts

5 May 2023

  • 159 Green net gains so far – 127 from Conservatives
  • Greens now largest party in East Hertfordshire after taking 17 seats from the Conservatives and holding two
  • Largest vote share in Worcester, gaining four seats and defying predictions Labour would take overall control of the Council
  • Breakthroughs in North East Derbyshire, Ribble Valley, Central Bedfordshire, Sevenoaks, New Forest, Southend-on-Sea, Havant, Erewash, Worthing, Staffordshire Moorland and South Kesteven where Green candidate has ousted Conservative Council Leader and Greens have taken three other seats off the Conservatives
  • Cementing position as opposition in Labour strongholds of South Tyneside and Exeter

Commenting on the latest Green wins making the party the largest in East Hertfordshire , Green Party co-leader Adrian Ramsay said:

“We are exceeding expectations with an amazing series of wins across East Hertfordshire to make us the largest party there.

“We have gained 17 seats from the Conservatives and held on to our two seats, making us the largest party. When we started the day we had just two councillors. Indeed, In 2015, East Herts was 100% Tory. All 50 seats. Now it is in no overall control, thanks to Greens.

“People are turning to the Greens because we offer a real alternative, with hard-working local councillors and sound practical policies to tackle local and national issues such as the cost-of-living crisis, housing, underfunded and run down public services and the state of our rivers.

“The Conservative vote has crumbled. Green votes have soared and people are inspired to turn out and vote Green.

“We still have important seats to declare nationally later in the day and we remain optimistic of significant gains to come. These results are setting the scene for General Election breakthroughs where we will be able to add new MPs in places like Bristol, Waveney Valley in Suffolk, and Herefordshire.

“Overnight, we’ve had local election breakthroughs in Southend-on-Sea, Havant and South Kesteven and many more as the day has unfolded.

“We have cemented our position as the official opposition on South Tyneside and Exeter Councils. While in Worcester we achieved the largest vote share of 29%, gaining three seats from Labour and one from the Conservatives, defying some pundits’ predictions who had expected Labour to take overall control of the Council.”




Total make up of East Herts council:

50 councillors are elected every four years to serve on the Council.
Going into this year’s election, there were 40 Conservatives, six Liberal Democrats, two Greens and two Labour councillors.
Following the election, there are 19 Greens, 16 Conservatives, 10 Liberal Democrats, five Labour.

For further information or to arrange an interview please contact the Press Office 0203 691 9401

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