Greens welcomes referral of Arron Banks to National Crime Agency

1 November 2018

Green Party of England and Wales has welcomed news that Arron Banks has been referred to the National Crime Agency (NCA) for “suspected criminal offences committed during the EU referendum”.

The Electoral Commission suspect Banks was not the true source of millions worth of loans made to Better for the Country, the company he set up to promote Brexit. The Commission believe these funds came from impermissible sources, and that he and others have concealed the true details of financial transactions.

Responding to the news, MEP for the South-West Molly Scott Cato welcomed the decision by the Electoral Commission.

She said:

“Arron Banks financial affairs have always been highly suspect. This referral to the National Crime Agency has vindicated the suspicions many of us have long had. It is clear he is not just a dodgy dealer, with alleged Russian connections, he is potentially a crook.

“He has never satisfactorily accounted for his claims of having bankrolled Leave.EU with his own money or explained where that money came from.  

“This referral also draws attention to the poor judgement of the BBC in allowing Banks airtime to rubbish the Electoral Commission. This gave him a platform to challenge breaches of electoral rules and dress these up as a political debate.

“This not only undermined the rule of law, it also threatens our democracy.”

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