Greens send letter to the city to encourage all to hear Extinction Rebellion warning


8 October 2019

Green MP and Mayoral candidates Carla Denyer and Sandy Hore-Ruthven have issued a letter to the people of Bristol today, calling on the city to face up to the climate crisis.

The letter is in support of the peaceful climate protests being launched today by Extinction Rebellion, taking place in London and in cities around the world.

Greens in Bristol will be joining the action in solidarity, while advocating bold political action to address the climate crisis on Bristol City Council, in the West of England, and in Westminster.

The letter reads as follows.  


We need to face up to the truth. We are currently on track to see over 3°C warming within most of our lifetimes. Already, we’ve witnessed a change in Bristol’s weather, but across the globe people are suffering the consequences of extreme storms, droughts and sea level rise.  These problems are only going to get worse and the effects will be felt disproportionately by the poorest. How we respond to this crisis depends on us all. It is not too late to avert the very worst effects. The changes we need to make are unprecedented, but through innovation and persistence we can deal with climate chaos. Bristol can lead the way. Will you join us in recognising this crisis?

In spite of it all, we face this challenge with hope. Bristol is resilient and bold, and we have within ourselves the resources to solve this. Many of the changes we need to make will even benefit our city – better public transport, warm homes and new green jobs. We are committed as future leaders in the city to putting the necessary steps in place to meet the crisis face on. It is something we all have to do together. Join us in heeding Extinction Rebellion’s message and in supporting peaceful actions already being promoted by the Greens and others to help our city change.

Yours sincerely,
Carla Denyer (Green MP candidate for Bristol West) and Sandy Hore-Ruthven (Green Mayoral candidate for Bristol)”

Carla Denyer has been invited to travel to London to speak at the rebellion this weekend, further details to be confirmed shortly.

Both candidates also offered to meet with residents or community groups to discuss their concerns or hear their suggestions for what Bristol should do to respond to the climate emergency. 

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