Greens only party to increase vote share in all three by-elections

21 July 2023

Responding to the three by-election results, Green Party co-leader Adrian Ramsay said:

“Greens came a credible third in each seat. We were the only party to increase our vote share in all three contests. That’s because we offered a clear alternative, though we were squeezed in the particular circumstances of these by elections.

“These were three Conservative seats with very significant majorities. A competent government that was providing solutions to the real, deep-seated crises facing our country would have held all three of them.

“The fact that they lost two of them underscores just how tired and fed up voters are with them. They have let the country down over the cost of living, over the climate emergency and over standards in public life. Now they are paying the price.

“Labour will make the best of the Selby result, but the truth is that a government in waiting – which is what Labour believe themselves to be – would have done even better against a Conservative Party that has been the most chaotic and damaging in modern history, crashed the economy and repeatedly failed the environment.

“Labour failed to take Boris Johnson’s old seat, vacated because the former Prime Minister was found to be a liar and a disgrace in Parliament. Labour lost Uxbridge because voters are fed up with all their flip-flopping and U-turning, this time over delivering clean air for West Londoners.

“The lesson for Labour is that they need to show clear and unambiguous leadership.

“The clearest message for me coming out of these byelections is that the country wants solutions to the climate and cost-of-living crises that are ruining people’s lives.”


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