Greens: Ministers attached to Vote Leave “should resign”

17 July 2018

In response to the Electoral Commission investigation[1], Green Party co-leader Jonathan Bartley said:

“The Electoral Commission report marks a watershed moment and clearly calls into question the legitimacy of the referendum result. This cannot be pushed into the long grass or glossed over with a slap on the wrist and a fine. When the very democratic process is called into question in this way then there must be consequences.  If people do not have confidence in the system they can have no confidence in the result.

“There must now be a wider criminal investigation into the actions of the Vote Leave campaign. All members of the Government who sat on the campaign committee of Vote Leave should resign.  They can have no place in a Government negotiating Brexit.

“And clearly any final deal that is negotiated must now be put to the British people with a People’s Vote including an option to remain in the European Union if that is the will of the British people.”



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