Greens join calls for Prime Minister to resign

9 December 2021

‘Boris Johnson is a threat to public health’, says Green party co-leader Carla Denyer

Following the Downing Street parties fiasco, Green Party co-leader, Carla Denyer, has joined calls for Boris Johnson to resign. 

She said: 

“The public have clearly lost trust in this government of corruption, incompetence and buffoonery, and a large majority want Boris Johnson to resign [1]. They’re right. We can no longer face the risk of Boris Johnson leading this country through the pandemic.

“The Downing Street parties last Christmas, held while hundreds lay dying from Covid, is just another example of a Tory regime mired in scandal and sleaze. 

“This Prime Minister treats the public as fools. He believes that the resignation of the person who speaks on his behalf will somehow exonerate him. But dumping on staff members whose most serious error was in choosing to work for him just won’t wash. 

“The measures in Plan B are long overdue. Health experts such as the NHS Confederation, and the Green Party, have long called for measures such as working from home where possible and mandatory face mask wearing in public indoor venues. But to announce these measures on the same day as ‘partygate’ seems no coincidence. 

“Johnson has resisted introducing these common sense measures because of pressure from his own backbenchers. Their attempts to block essential public-health measures has exacerbated each of the Covid waves and increased the number of avoidable deaths. 

“This disastrous Prime Minister is an embarrassment to this country and has done enough harm to justify resignation five times over by now. Through his own actions and inaction, his loss of public trust, and his willingness to bend to the will of his backbenchers, he is a threat to public health. He must go.”  


[1] Downing Street Christmas party: Majority of UK public say Boris Johnson should resign over video leak row

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