Greens: Fracking ruling opens new fossil fuel frontier

12 October 2018

The Green Party has responded to a High Court ruling which has rejected an injunction which would stop fracking taking place at Cuadrilla’s site in Preston New Road, Lancashire. [1]

Local resident Bob Dennett had applied for the injunction over emergency planning procedures at the site.

Jonathan Bartley, co-leader of the Green Party, joined campaigners at the court today and said the ruling was “bitterly disappointing” but that the anti-fracking movement is still “stronger than ever”.

Bartley said:

“A new fossil fuel frontier has been opened in Britain. In the same week the UN warned we have little more than a decade to tackle climate change, this ruling has paved the way for the first fracking in seven years.

“To stand any chance of hitting climate targets we must keep all fossil fuels in the ground where they belong. Fracking is a dirty, dangerous industry and I stand shoulder to shoulder with the brave residents standing up for the safety of their community today.

“We are deeply disappointed by this ruling, but the anti-fracking movement is stronger than ever and we will not give up this fight until Britain is frack free. It’s time the Government ditched its reckless dash for gas and invested instead in a renewable revolution of solar, wind and tidal power.” [2]



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