Greens express horror at 40% decline in exports to EU

12 March 2021

  • Party repeats call for UK to explore options for rejoining the customs union

Former MEP and economics professor Molly Scott Cato has demanded urgent action after trade figures released this morning showed a 40% decline in UK exports to the EU. [1]

Dr Scott Cato said:

“I am horrified by clear evidence that Johnson’s determination to ‘f**k business’ [2] has succeeded so dramatically. The decision to put up new trade barriers with our largest trading partner has had the inevitable consequences that we warned about with trade falling off a cliff.

“We need to take urgent action to reverse the destructive decision to cut ties with our closest neighbours. This is why the Green Party has called for the government to think again about choosing the hardest possible Brexit and to seek ways to rejoin the EU customs union as a matter of urgency.”

Dr Scott Cato, who was recently elected to the Executive Committee of the European Movement, continued:

“As an MEP I took the government to court to release the studies of the impact of Brexit on our economy. Now I understand why they fought so hard to keep them secret.

“Commentators are trying to lessen the blow by suggesting that these figures may be impacted by stockpiling and teething problems but this is entirely to miss to the point. 

“The decision to leave the European Union was an act of wanton destruction driven by a tiny elite for their own self-serving reasons. The devastating consequences for the rest of us are only now beginning to play out.”





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