Greens condemn two main parties for compassion failure over Ukrainian refugees


10 March 2022

  • ‘Neither Conservatives nor Labour are stepping up to the level required in this humanitarian crisis.’

Migration and Refugee Support Spokesperson Benali Hamdache said,

‘Priti Patel is making our country look cruel and incompetent in the face of the humanitarian disaster unfolding across our continent. But Labour’s failure to back visa-free access is even more shocking and it is deeply depressing to see Labour politicians mimicking the tough stance of this awful government.

“The vast majority of the public want to allow Ukrainian refugees to come to Britain without having a visa as they flee for their lives. Yet politicians from both main parties are unrelenting in applying cruel bureaucracy that is rejecting refugees at our borders. The UK stands alone in Europe in turning away those in need. This is a national disgrace. 

“Neither Conservatives nor Labour are stepping up to the level required in this humanitarian crisis.

“The need to waive visas has never been more pressing, and that welcome must be extended to Black, Asian and Arab refugees fleeing conflict, not only those from Ukraine.”

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