Greens celebrate North Shropshire result

17 December 2021

The Green Party candidate in the North Shropshire by-election, Duncan Kerr, has congratulated Helen Morgan on winning the seat, and said that growth in the Green vote share is a result of the hard work of Green councillors in the area. 

Duncan Kerr is a Green councillor on Oswestry Town Council, where the Green Party won 12 of the 18 seats in May, taking the council from the Tories. 

Councillor Kerr said: 

“I congratulate Helen Morgan for winning this seat from the Tories. It is clear from the size of this win that people in this constituency have had their fill of Tory incompetence and neglect as well as years of mismanagement by Conservative controlled Shropshire Council.

“However, when it comes to local politics, the Green Party continues to provide the real alternative to the Conservatives in North Shropshire. From fighting fracking to defending NHS services; opposing cuts to youth services and  protecting heritage assets like the Oswestry Hillfort from development, the Green Party has been active in the constituency for a decade. 

“Greens took control of the Town Council from the Tories in spectacular style in May, and we also won two of the four seats on Shropshire County Council. Labour did not win a single seat in North Shropshire and the Lib Dems lost the only seat they had. 

Green Party co-leader, Carla Denyer, said:

“Nationally, Greens are regularly polling as the third party. We’re going from strength to strength, gaining more and more support in all parts of England and winning seats from all parties. When Greens bring their hard work and positive solutions to an area there’s no such thing as a safe seat. 

“It is clear that people care deeply about the climate crisis, inequality and defending public services. As we have seen in Scotland and most recently Germany, when Greens are in power, policies to deliver environmental, social and economic justice are implemented.”


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