10 October 2017
*Home Office does not break down hate crimes by gender
*Greens call for misogyny to be classified as a hate crime
*Deputy leader shares her experience of domestic violence in speech to conference
The Green Party has called for violence against women that is clearly motivated by their gender to be a hate crime after revelations the Home Office does not break down hate crimes by gender of victims [1].
Amelia Womack, Green Party deputy leader, announced the policy in a speech to the party’s autumn conference today [2].
Womack also spoke about her own experience of domestic violence [3].
Womack said:
“The Home Office does not record hate crimes according to gender and to me that’s a powerful symbol of the way misogyny is treated in this country: sidelined, ignored, brushed under the carpet.
“That’s why today I’m announcing that the Green Party is calling for violence against women that is clearly motivated by their gender to be considered a hate crime. From domestic abuse to rape, groping to stalking and harassment, we know that women suffer abuse because of their gender.
“Earlier this year I spoke publicly for the first time about my experience of being in an abusive relationship. It wasn’t easy and it’s still not easy to talk about, but reclaiming that dark time in my life was empowering for me. And I want to empower other women who feel trapped by their experiences.
“The response to me going public was overwhelming – I received messages from friends, acquaintances and strangers. They all wanted to tell me that the same thing had happened to them, or worse – it’s still happening to them. But like me, they had never felt able to talk about it.
“Grassroots organisations and charities do amazing work to support survivors but their job is made harder when the government is running a brutal regime of austerity that punishes the most vulnerable. I’m proud to help lead a party that champions gender equality for all. We are calling for the cuts to domestic violence services to be reversed and a comprehensive strategy to tackle domestic violence at its core.”
- The Green Party submitted an FOI request to the Home Office asking for data on each of the five strands of hate crime (race, religion, sexual orientation, disability and transgender) broken down by victims identifying as men, women and other. The response, received on October 3, stated: The Home office does not hold the information requested. The Home Office does not collect data on the sex of all victims of hate crime victims for England and Wales.
- Amelia Womack addressed Green Party Autumn Conference at 2.30pm on October 10 at the Harrogate International Centre, Entrance 3, King’s Rd, Harrogate HG1 5LA.
- http://www.stylist.co.uk/people/amelia-womack-green-party-manifesto-domestic-violence-abuse-interview
- https://www.greenparty.org.uk/assets/files/green-party-womens-manifesto.pdf
- For the full speech visit: https://www.greenparty.org.uk/news/
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