Greens call for policy changes not just musical chairs at Cabinet

25 October 2022

The Green Party has called for a policy reset to match the Cabinet changes announced by new PM Rishi Sunak.

Green Party co-leader Adrian Ramsay said:

“Jacob Rees Mogg was a disaster in the short time he was Business Secretary, backing fracking and opening up the North Sea to more oil and gas exploration. Environment Secretary Ranil Jayawardena was at best anonymous.

“New Business Secretary Grant Shapps and new Environment Secretary Thérèse Coffey have the chance to reset the agenda, and they must take it.

“The removal of COP26 President Alok Sharma from his Cabinet position does not bode well when the government should be planning for playing a full part in COP27.

“What matters most is that the government turns away from its obsession with promoting new fossil fuels, and stops tearing up regulations protecting nature.

“It must promote renewable energy and support people to insulate their homes with a funded national programme that will cut greenhouse emissions and energy bills.” 

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